Wednesday, March 17, 2010

adjust dialogue later, Felix. "Tony's teaching me how to tie knots," she (Babs) tells me.  I'm still trying to put my finger on why she told me that. I imagine her doing a flying kick out & over the midwest all the way over to the East coast. She speaks of a martial arts crew she is to join ranks with. To kick some ass I suppose. I had the tiniest crush on her. Never mustered up the courage to tell her. i admire the courage that she has to move out to a new, unknown place to build a new life. I will do it someday, when I'm good & ready.  Goin' to get a Kia sophia to cruise. Bad spirits don't muck up my dreams, I pray.  Answer the call quick, for the window is closing like a guillotine. nuzzle up upon my neck with yours. dog poem now. I bark at squirrels. I bark at other things that bark at me first -- I barks at everything under the sun -- I'm a sleeping dog in your lap, dreaming of a bone I buried & a rabbit I didn't mean to kill. if you were to pour beer on the porch, I'd drink it up with a slobbering tongue -- i like being a dog -- fin -- woof woof woof!

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