Sunday, June 29, 2008

corn/flower tortilla -- Barack Obama on the cover of the rolling stone -- sustenance on mind -- all this talk of Dylan -- a not-so-promising cloud through window -- how would you explain a pain ? - how would you explain human intelligence ? -- and the bass muffled through the wall -- promising clouds and promising skies in affirmations of self -- for environmental harmonies -- and sufrir -- to suffer en espanol (~) alegria -- happiness happiness - for balance -- tix -- u got the tix phil ? -- yeah dawg you goin' to hollywood -- i've been to bollywood -- i've been to dollywood -- not really though -- but maybe -- and proceed to strange establishment -- who's footing the bill? handing me the check -- thinking of sustenance and mortality o mortalidad -- everything is fine -- same - o mismo --mi amor -- te echo de menos - i miss you - te extrano (~) mucho -- i miss you a lot -- (new neighbors in hallway arguing about moving in circumstances -- snicker snicker -- oh humans)

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