Friday, May 11, 2012

I am clean-shaven upon a sofa, waxing intellectual, or so I think as I strain through my brain. An oriole in the backyard brush communicates with a whistle & a warble.  Meanwhile my love, Ande Lee, is northbound to her parent's lakeside cabin. Con rumbo al norte. She is my partner in crime, & we plan to shake up the order of things along the timeline. Keep creative with the materials that pass through our hands. Paste, rainbow papers, scissors, springs & minuscule light bulbs are the objects which we manipulate & sculpt upon their energies, to build instantaneously delightful dream tableau. What was my point, again? Dad is chatting lots in the living room.  I have an inviting & open ear. We are now on the topic of birthday cakes & grand kids. Out the window I see tree limbs reaching to the sky. We should all do the same, take a tip from the powerful life forms, & keep reaching.  The topic now: heartburn & its causes. Peppers are the culprit in the pit of your stomach. Andrew was supposed to call me up so we could rendezvous on the basketball court, but, at this point, he is not making good on our plan. Oh well. The sun is situated high in the sky as I conclude this post, & I sign it & seal it with love.

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